Sunday, May 05, 2024

Stop it already!

I'm angrier than a Republican who seeks how Trump is being treated in court over this.  About a week ago, I reported the fact that he's being treated wrongly in court.  Well, it's happening again!  Prosecutors are once again seeking a violation of a gag order.  It's almost as if they want him in prison!

Trump has already been fined and the judge has threatened him with a custodial sanction if he doesn't stop talking.  Problem is, Trump isn't doing anything wrong.  This is not how you treat a man who simply wants to make America great again!

Saturday, May 04, 2024

She brought it upon herself, folks!

I'm angrier than someone who ordered Chinese delivery just found out that they sent the wrong order over this, because I didn't get to witness it for my own charming, handsome self.

Tesla vehicles are one of the latest trends, aren't they?  Yes, they are.  They are so-called "clean air" vehicles with all sorts of fancy bells and whistles.  They typically cater to the affluent/ego-driven drivers, and they are automated vehicles.  Sometimes, that automation comes back to bite them in the ass.  So it is in this story.

How did it happen in the first place?

I'm angrier than a cat that lost its ball of yarn over this.  It seems that two young girls died in a family's swimming pool in Phoenix.  So far, law enforcement is calling it an accident, and maybe it was, but based on what the media is reporting, there was no fencing around the pool to prevent children from accessing the pool.

You know what else was missing, based on what I'm reading?  An adult.  No one would dare leave children that age alone, because of this very eventuality.  So where was the father, who in his defense immediately started administering CPR?

What a monster!

I'm angrier than an alcoholic without booze over this one, folks.  Let's get right down to it.  WNYT, the local NBC affiliate, is reporting that a "persistent felon" has been sentenced to prison for over 100 years.  That's a long time, and he'll definitely die in prison one way or another.

Joshua Hodgson, 43, of Mayfield, New York, was found guilty by a jury of his peers of twenty felonies and three misdemeanors that came about when a jury found that he'd had sexual relations with a 13-year-old teenage girl.

He got his

I'm angrier than an Albany New York detective with no one to physically or sexually assault over this next one right here.  I'm angrier that people such as the subject in this story even exist.  I'm even more angry that, in this particular case, I have to support a cop's actions.

I'm already upset that ATV operators are terrorizing Albany.  I hate the sheriff because he won't hold his deputies accountable, but I agree with his assessment that these scumbags are "terrorizing" Albany County.